My own books – exclusively Norwegian editions:

In collaboration with Per A. Christensen: Harmoni og produktivitet. En bok om organisasjonsøkologi, produktivitet og kommunikasjon i praksis (1989). “Harmony and Productivity. A book on Organisational Ecology, Productivity and Communication in Practice”.

As editor in collaboration with Arne Semb-Johansson and Ivar Mysterud (preface by Thor Heyerdahl): Bred økologi. En tverrfaglig utfordring (1993). “Broad Ecology. An interdiciplinary challenge”.

In collaboration with Per A. Christensen (preface by Gerhard Heiberg): Usynlige mønstre. Lønnsomhet, organisasjon og ledelse i økologiens tidsalder (1995). “Invisible Patterns. Profit, Organisation and Leadership in the Age of Ecology”.

In collaboration with Jan Christophersen (preface by Peter Lorange): Integritet og innflytelse – om å lede mennesker effektivt (2009). “Integrity and Influence – on Leading people Efficiently”. An excerpt from the book can be found here at (only in Norwegian).
American edition:

Invisible Patterns: Ecology and Wisdom in Business and Profit (1995). (American edition of “Usynlige mønstre …”. The book is also published in Lithuanian and Macedonian languages).

Robert Cialdini: Påvirkning (2. utgave 2011). American original:

Influence: The Psychology of Persuation (revised edition 2007).

Robert Cialdini: Fra påvirkning til overbevisning. Revolusjonerende nye metoder (2017).
American original: Pre-suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade (2017).

Peter Kinderman: Fra sykeliggjort til aktiv deltaker – i stedet for dagens psykiatri (2016).
English original:

A Prescription for Psychiatry (2014).
Beside this, I have published articles in newspapers and periodicals on psychological, environmental and other political topics.

The article “Democracy Without Generalized Trust May Lead to Violence”. Co-author with Finn Tschudi and Magni Martens in David Winter Personal Construct Psychology at 60: Papers from the 21st International Congress. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017.