After 40 years as a private counseler and therapist, I am now retiering. But I still keep my door open for present and former clients. You are all welcome to contact me.
If you are in need of a psychologist for brief therapy or counselling, you may contact Psychologist Sigurd Stubsjøen

I am also terminating practice within organisation and leadership. But I am available to present and former clients. Please feel free to contact me.
If you are in need of coaching, you may contact MSc in Economics & MBA Jon-Erik Haug
Support within the area of recruitment may be obtained from CEO at De4 search & consulting, Rune Frøyslie
JonLH psykologi
Register of Business Enterprises number: 976 680 200
Psychologist Jon Lund Hansen MNPF (Member of Norwegian Psychological Association)
Phone.: +47 917 37 311
Office address: Tidemandsgt. 43 d, 0260 Oslo
Post address: Elvefaret 19, 0751 Oslo