I have been socially engaged from early years on, and dropped out of school after half a year in high school. I then worked on a voluntary basis for NGOs and took on odd jobs until I achieved my graduation as a student at Forsøksgymnaset i Oslo in 1972, at the age of 22. (Forsøksgymnaset was an experimental high school based on democratic principles. The school’s highest authority was “allmannamøtet”, a regular meeting for everybody based on the principle of “one man one wote”. I was one of the initiators behind the attempt to create such a school. Forsøksgymnaset was operational from 1967 to 2004.)
I achieved my MA in psychology, and was approved as a psychologist, at the University of Oslo in 1984. On my way, before and during the study, I gathered many different work-experiences. I worked as a driver, carpenter, hospital-nurse, fieldworker with youngsters, potter, teacher, labourer at the harbour and assistent at an accomodation for alcoholics. Since 1984 I have been working as a consultant and therapist, spesialising in brief therapy and hypnosis.

Immediately after I received the authorisation, I opened a private practice as general psychologist. Additionally, I worked in a clinic for people with sexual problems and in a family office. Parallell to later work as organisational psychologist, author and translator, I have kept my private practice with brief therapy and hypnosis going. I hold a comprehensive education in the area of ericksonian hypnosis, self-hypnosis and NLP (Neurolinguistic programming) from Norway, Sweden, England and USA from 1982 to 2007. To keep updated, I am an active participant in networks of therapists and coaches.
I have practiced yoga since 1980. During the years 1993 to 1996 I attended a course to become a yoga-teacher, and achieved an authorisation as such in 1996. I have taught yoga and hypnosis, and maintain a regular personal practice, also adding qigong – the Chinese practice of awareness, conscious movement and meditation. I often teach my clients techniques of self-hypnosis and meditation, both for stress management and as paths to deeper knowledge.
Since 1986 I have worked as a consultant within the fields of organisation and leadership, as an employee in an international consultancy and privately in networks with collegues. In 2003 I established a consultancy – “De4 search and consulting AS” in collaboration with three colleagues. I held the position as lead partner during the first six years, then as a partner up to 2012. After that I have run my own company “JonLH psykologi”, however always in active networks of consultants and managers.
In addition to creating programs for leadership development, I have been an advisor for leaders on all levels. I have been a consultant in selection processes for management postitions, typically by creating and implementing structured interviews and checking references. In 2009 I studied and took exams in the field of board management at BI Norwegian Business School. I have functioned as member/chairman of boards on a professional basis in various organisations.
I have written and translated books and articles within my own field of profession and within the sphere of general social and political questions.